neutron cross section

Neutron cross sections. Volume I. Resonance parameters

The National Neutron Cross Section Center (NNCSC) concerns itself with neutron physics information of a basic and applied nature. Computerized files of bibliography to the neutron physics literature, and of experimental and evaluated neutron data are maintained. The NNCSC coordinates a national effort, the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group

The neutron cross section standards, evaluations and

The measurement of a neutron cross section can be simplified if it is measured relative to a neutron cross section standard.

Neutron Capture Cross-Section - an overview | ScienceDirect

The mechanism is based on the high neutron-capture cross section of the stable isotope 6 Li for thermal neutrons according to the 6 Li (n,α) 3 H reaction illustrated by Eq. 11.36 earlier in this chapter. Capture of thermal neutrons by 6 Li produces an alpha particle and triton with 4.8 MeV energy liberated as kinetic energy of the reaction

Special Feature Neutron scattering lengths and cross sectioirn

For most nuclides the scattering lengths and scattering cross sections are independent of the incident neutron wave vector kin the thermal neutron region, 

The neutron cross sections - eneutrons - PaN-Training

In most cases, the absorption cross section, \ (\sigma_ {\rm a}\), of thermal neutrons is inversely proportional to the neutron velocity. In other words, the absorption is proportional to the

Cross-Sections - DoITPoMS

The macroscopic cross-section is the probability that a neutron will undergo a reaction per unit path length travelled in the material. The probability that a 

Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross-Section Data

Table of Simple Integral Neutron Cross-Section Data from JEF-1, ENDF/B-V, ENDL-82,. JENDL-2, KEDAK-4, RCN-3. NEA Data Bank. July 1985. 1. JEF REPORT 3 

Neutron cross sections. Volume I. Resonance parameters

article{osti_4335199, title = {Neutron cross sections. Volume I. Resonance parameters}, author = {Mughabghab, S F and Garber, D I}, abstractNote = {In contrast to earlier editions, which presented in compact form a summary of the complete store of the neutron data files, this edition aims to provide those portions of neutron data considered to be of prime importance and best

The neutron cross section of barite-enriched concrete for

We present a characterization of a series of barite-enriched concrete samples at the atomic scale using neutron-based techniques. In particular, neutron transmission measurements provide the macroscopic cross section (also known as neutron removal cross section) as a function of the incident neutron energy in the range 1 meV-1 keV. In this range, where fewer experimental investigations are

Neutron Capture Cross-Section - an overview - ScienceDirect

the energy spectrum of the neutron beam and the quality of the neutron beam used in nct are critical, as these factors have a direct relation to the overall therapeutic effect. 260 the high neutron capture cross section of 157 gd and 155 gd toward thermal neutrons has been clearly established, and it is highest for neutron energies equal to 0.032

Neutron - Wikipedia

Certain nuclides have a high neutron capture cross section, which is the probability of absor a neutron. Upon neutron capture, the compound nucleus emits more easily detectable radiation, for example an alpha particle, which is then detected. The nuclides 3 He, 6 Li, 10 B, 233 U, 235 U, 237 Np, and 239 Pu are useful for this purpose.